Facial Fillers
Ask Dr. John B. Harris about facial fillers and the benefits of facial rejuvenation in Jacksonville, FL
Dr. Harris has performed thousands of facial filler injections over the last 30 years and has lectured and taught physicians, PA’s, and nurses injection techniques. He views fillers and facial volumizing as an integral part of a natural facial rejuvenation program and performs each filler injection himself.
Through years of experience observing patients and the manner that they age, Dr. Harris is able to skillfully balance filler placement in areas which have lost volume, recreating natural facial harmony. He believes no one should notice you have had fillers, you should simply look like a younger version of yourself.
The lip areas can be the most gratifying to treat but may be the most noticeable if fillers are overdone or placed incorrectly. Dr. Harris discourages patients from using too much filler, as this may produce long-term issues if the filler is not maintained.
Dr. Harris believes the Allergan product line produces excellent results with minimal risk. Each filler in the line has different properties that are best for individual rejuvenation applications. He will recommend the product he feels is best for you.