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Biopsy of Skin Lesions

After a skin screening exam, we may perform a biopsy of a cancerous mole or skin lesion and begin skin lesion treatment in Jacksonville, FL

Dr. Harris and Florida Facelift and Skin Cancer Center believe:

  • Regular monitoring of the skin for suspicious lesions is the best approach for avoiding problems from skin cancer
  • Patients and physicians alike can be misled by the appearance of skin cancers
  • The only way to know for sure if a lesion is benign or skin cancer is for a pathologist or dermatologist to examine a biopsy under the microscope
  • Evaluation of your skin by an expert in skin cancer who is prepared to biopsy any suspicious skin lesion is the best care

There is nothing more disheartening for patients if advanced skin cancer is found, and it could have been prevented or minimized by early biopsy and removal. 

The only person who knows for sure what a skin lesion represents is the board-certified pathologist or dermatopathologist looking at the biopsy under their microscope.  

– John B. Harris, MD, MBA, FACS, FFSCC Founder

Dr. Harris and the Florida Facelift and Skin Cancer Center feel it is their responsibility to ensure that their patients have their skin cancer diagnosed at an early stage with a timely biopsy.

The only person who knows for sure what a skin lesion represents is the board-certified pathologist or dermatopathologist looking at the biopsy under his or her microscope.
John B. Harris, MD, MBA, FACS, FFSCC Founder
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