Skin Cancer
Patients come to FFSCC for skin cancer facts, how to look for cancer spots, and skin cancer surgery resources in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
The FFSCC is your leading resource for skin cancer facts, how you look for skin cancer spots, and skin cancer surgery resources. The FFSCC Skin Cancer Surgery Program incorporates the skills of board-certified surgeons working alongside SPL board-certified pathologists to ensure complete removal of your skin cancer and offers patients the greatest opportunity for a satisfactory cosmetic outcome.
All our skin cancer surgeries are performed under local anesthesia, and most are routinely completed in under an hour. Because of the efficiencies of the team approach, patients who have multiple skin cancers can have:
- All surgery completed at one sitting
- Valuable time saved
- Fewer costs
- Fewer office visits
Your board-certified FFSCC plastic surgeon performs all skin cancer biopsies and surgeries. When your FFSCC surgeon recommends MOFS (Multiple Oriented Frozen Section) surgery or removal with Mohs pathology, your SPL board-certified pathologist will:
- Immediately evaluate the skin cancer specimen in the mobile pathology lab
- Ensure complete removal
- Eliminate the need for additional surgery
Our Program emphasizes early diagnosis as the best way to prevent problems that develop from skin cancers.
- Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as Basal Cell Cancer (BCC) and Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) typically enlarge and create issues due to the size of the defect resulting from the complete removal
- The FFSCC will examine your skin for suspicious lesions and be proactive in early diagnosis using small punch biopsies with precise wound closure by our plastic surgeons, providing a better cosmetic outcome than the commonly used shave technique
- Early diagnosis coupled with your FFSCC skin cancer team’s expertise assures you of the best cosmetic outcome
- Diagnosing Melanoma early is the most important factor for a good prognosis
- Too often, pigmented lesions that turn out to be Melanoma are “watched” by patients and their physicians
Our early biopsy philosophy mitigates the risk of neglected Melanoma and offers patients the opportunity for better outcomes.
We collaborate
If you have a question regarding the type of biopsy your physician wishes to perform, please contact FFSCC, and we will advise you of what type of biopsy we would suggest.

Many skin cancer surgeons recommend that their patients stop their blood thinners, which can have medical risks and consequences. Dr. Harris feels that if blood thinners are important for preventing medical problems, skin cancer surgery can still be accomplished in most circumstances effectively and safely without stopping blood thinners. Our patients appreciate this approach, as do referring physicians concerned about the continuity of their patient’s medical care and eliminating the risk of discontinuing blood thinners. If you have questions about blood thinners and skin cancer surgery, please contact our Nurse Coordinator to evaluate your needs.
The most important factor in obtaining the best possible looking scar and cosmetic outcome is to have the skin cancer wound closure performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Upon removing the sutures, our staff will instruct you on various topical agents and tapes that might be applied, which will minimize the formation of scarring. If you have an unsatisfactory scar, revision may improve the appearance of the scar in some circumstances.
Following removal of your skin cancer, instructions on wound care and suture removal are given to you. We perform many wound closures with dissolving sutures, and there is no need to have a return visit for suture removal. Some dissolving sutures are simply clipped. Our staff will give you instructions for removal. If your plastic surgeon places sutures that require removal, an appointment or other arrangements will be made with health care providers in your hometown for suture removal if you live out of town. Most sutures are typically removed in 5-7 days on the face and 10-14 days on the rest of the body.
Dr. Harris, a board-certified plastic surgeon, performs every skin cancer closure. He has spent his career practicing and teaching facial plastic and reconstructive surgery techniques around the globe. There can be no better cosmetic closure than one accomplished by a plastic surgeon who has spent his career minimizing the appearance of scars and scar tissue. Many skin cancer surgeons have a relationship with plastic surgeons to assist with the closure of complex wounds. Doesn’t it make sense to have a plastic surgeon involved with your skin cancer of any type?
FFSCC favors punch and excisional biopsy for all types of skin cancers. Shave biopsies for basal cell and squamous cell cancer do provide the pathologist with adequate tissue for diagnosis. However, shave biopsies heal with a much larger scar than a punch biopsy and will lead to a larger excision than would be necessary than if a punch biopsy is accomplished. If melanoma is suspected, Dr. Harris and the FFSCC perform punch or excisional biopsy, as shave biopsies may not be deep enough to allow your surgeon and medical team to effectively stage the melanoma and provide you with the best treatment plan.